Symmetrical Hacks

4 Reasons to Integrate Your Payroll and HR Systems

Ewa Marczuk

Let’s face it, HR management is tough! Modern human resources information systems (HRISs) were born out of an attempt to simplify it by centralizing data, automating processes, and providing for multiple self-service employee solutions - just like the latest automated payroll software systems. 

This begs the question - by integrating the systems, could 1+1=3? The answer is yes - thanks to bidirectional integration, value is added to each system. 

In this post, you’ll learn about:

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How does automatic data flow from an HRIS into a payroll system work?

The inflow of data from the HRIS into the payroll system yields greater data integrity, while the upload of payroll data into the HRIS centralizes workforce data, providing added transparency. By exchanging data, value is added to each system.

How else can integrating HRIS and payroll systems fuel growth?

By integrating your HRIS and payroll systems, you can:

Let’s look at each of these points in greater detail:

HRIS integration improves data integrity across processes

A good HRIS is the perfect place to gather employee data, including:

The data is not set in stone, of course. It changes as employees migrate from pre-onboarding to onboarding or update their personal data to reflect marriages or new residences. 

Still, a good HRIS captures all payroll-relevant data and its changes, serving as a single source of truth for workforce data upload and safeguarding the kind of accurate information that is of key importance in payroll. 

Streamlined and error-free processes save time

Integration allows for the undisturbed and error-free transfer of data from a single source into the relevant categories of the payroll processing system. 

That data can include information as diverse as:

With custom, pre-built systems integration the flow is automatic. Aligned data saves you the time needed for double entries, proofreading, and correcting errors made by the mismatch of data or manual proceedings. 

With streamlined processes, HR departments can focus on how to build on people rather than how to pay them - on how to integrate teams rather than upload the correct and updated data. 

Perhaps best of all, the data flow goes both ways, allowing for a number of gains while using an HRIS with payroll data imports. 

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More detailed HR information enables better decisions

Centralizing employee data is also a boon to managers. Transparent information on salaries linked to employee data can facilitate performance reviews or help achieve the most efficient cost results on a company level. 

A good HRIS is able to capture all the data and present it in a consolidated manner, which achieves the following goals:

All this makes an HRIS a perfect solution for rapidly growing companies who want to streamline processes and make scaling easy.

An upgraded HR experience keeps your employees satisfied

Having a single source of data benefits employees as much as it does employers. The HRIS-payroll integration allows employees to familiarize themselves with payroll data (including payslips) and gives them the ability to access their own HRIS accounts.  

Just think - no more constant logging into and out of multiple platforms to access different types of information. With payslips embedded into an HRIS, an employee can gain access to all their vital information in just one login session. 

Integrating payroll and HR systems: conclusion

When you integrate your HRIS and payroll systems, a single plug-in can be:

Tons of rewards, no risk. It pays to integrate!

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Symmetrical is the first payroll solution you won’t hate. We enable fast-paced companies to onboard at scale and run their payroll invisibly. To run your payroll hassle-free, contact our experts to learn more!

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